Ever See Those Pretty Tumblers and Wonder How They Do It? Here's How.
A lot of you who have visited us over at Romance Happy Hour have seen my swag. Designer tumblers are a popular thing lately and I jumped...

Spotlight: Lexi Post's ON HIGHLAND TIME
On Highland Time by Lexi Post “Post creates an un-put-downable time travel romp, rich with passion and conflict.” —Sabrina York, NYT and...

It's a little late 'cause life got in the way, but here is the cover for book 3 in The Montana Mountain Romance Series, FIERY PASSION....

New Release!
Today WILD PASSION hits Ebook shelves everywhere. Don’t miss out on Simon andCarrie’s story. Purchase Here

Historical Romance Book Blitz and Giveaway
A Historical Romance For Every Reader Deirdre's True Desire Emerald Belles #3 by Heather McCorkle Genre: Historical Romance The moment...

Book Tours And More
Merry Christmas Readers! December is going to be a busy, busy month for many of us. To add to my list, I've updated my events and...

Wild Passion Cover Reveal And Excerpt
Chapter One Montana Territory, Bitterroot Mountain Range, Spring 1889 “I think we should find another way to kidnap him.” Carrie Kerr...

Goodreads Fun!
Just for fun I am giving away special sneak peeks if we reach certain levels in Goodreads. Simply add my upcoming release, WHITE WATER...

To Celebrate both the cover reveal and my birthday today I am having a bash on my Facebook page www.facebook.com/authordawnluedecke....

Welcome To My Page!
Hi! And Welcome! This is where I will share everything from my favorite recipes, to new releases from friends, and more. Stay tuned for...